Book II from Brazen Folk Horror

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Book II from Brazen Folk Horror

Pardon our Dust (faerie and otherwise)

For the next eight weeks or so, Natasha and Ruthann will be locked away building on the world and characters we designed in Delevan House. The …

Pardon our Dust (faerie and otherwise)

It’s July already!

As we enter the 7th month of 2023, and I realise that my next module results for my degree are due this month, I’m pausing for a quick recap of the year so far. I’m pausing, not panicking.

Health-wise, I hate to admit that it’s been another trying year. Since contracting covid last July, then again in January, my lungs have struggled, and fatigue has plagued my body and mind. Of course, the nature of my life—caring for and educating young children, caring for the adopted animals, and running a home and business, means there’s little time for proper rest and solid sleep, but that sickness has added another weight. And, lest we forget, there’s this writing gig!

Nonetheless, I still breathe, even through crackles, pain and coughs. The wheel keeps turning, and for now, I’m still on it.

January’s focus was liaising with early readers of Delevan House and grinding over those pre-publication checks to ensure a smooth release of digital and print editions.

February saw the launch of that debut novel, Delevan House, co-written with Ruthann Jagge.

Delevan House synopsis

With the development of our collaborative Brazen Folk Horror brand, I’ve tightened up our logo design. I continue to work tirelessly on refining the website and managing both solo sites to reflect the work.

Ruthann and I have co-written a few short stories for select invites, which will be published later this year.

My literary partner in Brazen Folk Horror was keen for us to develop a newsletter, something that I wasn’t entirely on board with, but one day I began designing, and the Brazen Folk Horror zine was born. Our quarterly #bebrazen launched on June 21st digitally exclusively for subscribers, with the print edition releasing to the public on July 5th.

Discount applicable at ClanWitchShop until July 5th

Weekly updates on Brazen Folk Horror have continued throughout the year (which are also shared here). However, these will now wind down with the newsletter launch and focus sharpening on The Delevan Diaries, which releases late this year.

The Delevan Diaries

I have been selective with the Word Refinery workload, taking on smaller editorial, copywriting and graphic projects only, so that clients get the attention their projects deserve. I may open my diary for a couple of larger manuscripts next year, but spaces will be limited. Clients are encouraged to contact me now. Spaces are not guaranteed.

I have also had little space to accept invites to external projects, as I have done previously. An exception was made for KJK Publishing’s Kevin J. Kennedy when he invited me to write a short piece for Inside the World of Indie Horror, which is out now.

My home has welcomed a few adoptees this year—two ex-caged hens (Yvie Oddly and Brooke Lyn Hytes) adopted from British Hen Welfare Trust joined us in March and have now merged happily with the existing flock for their retirement. Supporting their transition can be a lot of work and requires patience, but it is worth every second. Since taking on our first rescue hens a year ago, I have learnt so much about this wonderful avian species and still am. Unfortunately, because of how they are bred and commodified in the animal agriculture industry, they can experience many health complications that can quickly become fatal. For the most part, I’ve effectively managed issues at home. However, loss is inevitable at times, and one of our girls, sweet Bimini, had to be euthanised due to a severe prolapse and irreparable issues in her overworked reproductive system. It was devastating but also a relief that we could end her suffering.

Ginger Minj—flock leader

We also had to say goodbye last month to one of the most beautiful souls I’ve ever known, one of our adopted rabbits, Sally. This left our boy bun, Presley, without the companionship of his species. This companionship is vital for rabbit health—physical and emotional. Therefore, we adopted another rabbit needing her forever home from the wonderful volunteer-run charity Beloved Rabbits. Our newest family member, Fraoch (readers of Delevan House may recognise her name?), has added fresh energy to the household. She has settled in wonderfully, with full-on Giant Continental confidence and youthful sass. I’m excited to bond Presley and Fraoch after her spay.


I’ll be vending at several markets in Glasgow, which has required a lot of preparation in stock and design. I will have limited hardcovers on hand unless preordered through me in advance to pick up on the day. The same goes for T-shirts and hoodies on my Etsy store. I won’t be carrying stock of those not ordered in advance. If you fancy something from there, check out the market deals and get your order in for collection. Prints were designed by me, and all garments are sourced and made in the U.K. and are vegan.

Market dates 2023

#BeBrazen Autumn Edition releases September. Again, the zine is delivered digitally, free to subscribers only. And only subscribers are entered into the quarterly prize draw. If you aren’t signed up, join us today! The print edition is available for purchase after the subscriber-only digital release and draw.

I begin studying for my next university module in October! I am seriously swamped and planned on delaying my next module. However, I have set goals, and the next intake for this particular module is over a year away. Even with everything booking up for next year, I couldn’t defer for that long.

I have some beautiful cover art waiting their time for when I can invest energy into solo work that’s simmering. Perhaps, I’ll find some hours in 2025!

I must run now. The pause is over. Full speed ahead!

#BeBrazen Natasha )O(

Brazen Solstice 2022

December 21, 2022, is the Winter Solstice. It’s the shortest day and the longest night of the year. In Celtic Traditions, Winter Solstice sees the …

Brazen Solstice 2022

2022: The Year of Birds

Hogmanay nears, as does what can barely be avoided — the annual consolidation, the ‘review’ as we step over the next threshold.

It’s been another year of tumultuous news and events stabbing the air in-house and in close proximity. Health issues have arisen in many, some near and dear, some farther but no less dear to me—several with fatal implications, where time somehow runs faster on the clock. My heart has shattered a few times. Such is the way it goes.

Covid hit my house with a bang. I was pregnant, and the baby, Averey, died inside my womb when I had the worst symptoms. Since our second bout in July, long Covid symptoms have persisted, including with my young children. The year that we hoped to grab some social normality has demanded much push.

One of the many benefits of home educating (not home-schooling) is that the pressure and stress on children not to ‘fall behind’ on a prescribed curriculum and being ‘marked’ by ‘poor attendance’ due to health issues beyond control is absent, avoiding undue pressure on my kids’ mental health, to which almost anyone who has been schooled and has health issues can relate. All public services in the U.K., including schools, seem to be on a steep downward slope, faster than ever before. The unrest is palpable. That being said, home educating isn’t all skipping through the daisies! Many days have their challenges, and being the literal full-time parent and educator is tiring — and that was before the long-covid fatigue. Still, we get each other through, and the alternative isn’t an option.

As always, writing has been a constant. Separate from my creative writing, it’s been my introvert-central-management system since childhood. Sketching is too.

Professionally, I have had the pleasure of editing works by some fantastic writers this year — some serious jaw-dropping, inspiring talent. One of the last short stories I edited had me reaching for my inhaler! That author painted a vivid anxiety, paranoia-ridden piece in their protagonist — I felt it all! The subversive angle of the work while playing off the backdrop was skilfully moving. I was in awe. In the massive catalogue of literary genres, the immense skill some horror writers portray is hugely underrated, all due to that simple label ‘horror’. You’ll find the asthma attack-inducing story in KJK Publishing’s The Horror Collection: Sapphire Edition.

This year Ruthann Jagge and I joined forces and created Brazen Folk Horror to share our collaborative works. We have been sharing weekly updates there and have many more ideas for the future. As with this site, readers can subscribe to receive those updates directly in their mailbox. The debut collaborative novel under our exclusive in-house imprint, Delevan House, releases on the 1st of February 2023, and the second book in that series is underway. I’ve shared before about how I adore working with her. We’ve each had much to contend with this year. At times, we’ve both been swimming against a ferocious tide, but we have prevailed and have created something unique from Scottish and Celtic folk inspiration. You better believe my girl and I are indeed Brazen as fuck.

Getting back into academic study has been challenging to make space for, but somehow It’s been working out, in sacrifice of sleep! I passed my first module and started my second towards my English Language and Literature degree. The second part has been immensely inspiring. I am enjoying it far more than I anticipated. It’s ignited old and new passions for my own language, those that I’ve been surrounded with and the broader scope of the world. I’ve been evaluating how this entwines cultural and individual identity. This leg of the course has lit a few fires.

Onto the books published under Clan Witch this year:

Asylum Daughter — my psychological horror novella set in Glasgow, Scotland. I’m proud of how this piece turned out. I loved writing it and got to exorcise the asylum.

The Crash of Verses by Rafik Romdhani — this is Romdhani’s second published collection. His poetry is among my favourites of recent years. If you have not read him, pick up this book. He is an exceptionally skilled modern poet.

Incesticide: Collected Horror — my second collection of short horror fiction. It includes nine stories featuring urban folk horror, a touch of splatterpunk and fairytale horror twisted with BDSM, among other assorted flavours for those who enjoy a taste of different things.

Clan Witch: Found Shadows, my collection of free verse poetry and drabbles. This brings together small pieces scattered with other publishers and some never before published poems. Not all truth and not all fiction.

There have been other written pieces published throughout 2022 in the form of short stories, poetry, articles, forewords and copy for other titles.

What about the birds? Birds have been a significant and symbolic component in my year. Before the baby was born, magpies started frequenting my garden. They never had before. In truth, I was never a fan of the species. (Largely due to a childhood memory or a magpie killing sparrow chicks in a neighbour’s garden. It was such a brutal attack, not for a meal or anything. It seemed to enjoy causing the suffering and instigating horror in the flock of sparrows screaming at the beautiful beastly creature.) Other corvids, such as their cousin, jackdaws, yes. But never the magpie. Of course, going through pregnancy and loss again, this felt strikingly symbolic. For the longest time, there would be one—a dark omen. One for sorrow… as the months have passed, groups of them now frequent the garden along with the smaller birds, which have their daily routines flying in for a feed and natter. Adopting ex-commercial laying hens scheduled to be slaughtered has been tremendously healing. We brought them home less than two weeks after our loss. Building for them and supporting their transition to domestic retirement felt like a productive and helpful use of grief energy. Then the hens have taken in robins. The birds have been inescapable and have become a significant feature of Delevan House too.

Life and creativity can be inseparable, at least elements of each. Twisting tendrils that reach out to be touched and woven into new patterns.

I am wrapping up, as I didn’t intend on doing this kind of update this year! There you have it, a wee mixed-bag summary of 2022. I best be off again, I’m currently hauled up with an unwell small. Her feverish chattering dreams spill out into the dark in a torrent, and I wish, as many parents do — I wish I could soak up the fever and take all the pains away, for always. But life has so much more of that in store. I will have to be content with holding her for as long as I can and as long as she needs.

The darkness is drawing in, approaching the longest of nights, and I wish for what I always do here and the world over, peace.

Natasha )O(

The Making of Delevan House #18

Wrapping Up Brazen Folk Horror presents the print cover wrap for Delevan House. Isn’t it a beauty! The cover image was created by the immensely …

The Making of Delevan House #18

The month of Samhain 2022

Witches’ New Year approaches. With that, I’m Autumn cleaning, creatively speaking, at least. Washing away the dust of the summer fires, sweeping this germ-ridden circle clogged with ash. I say this with every positive intention, which in the current climate of my sick house, it’s not so simple. Some things are outwith control, but I try flow with, around, through it. (I may have recited ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ a few too many times).
Starting with the writing. I’ve taken part in only a few invite-only opportunities. This year, it has been difficult to say no, but something I’ve had to learn to do fast. It’s been challenging; each opportunity offered has been for a great project, and I am profoundly grateful to be asked. Short fiction writing has been on the back burner, which was always this year’s plan to invest in my degree studies and researching/writing longer works. Moving on, a quick recap of my own books released and scheduled to tie up 2023:

Asylum Daughter
5th May 2022

Incesticide: Collected Horror
Short Fiction Collection
14th December 2022

Clan Witch: Found Shadows
Poetry and Drabble Collection
31st December 2022

There has been lots of work going on in Brazen Folk Horror, which I launched with Ruthann Jagge this year. Here we share regular updates on ‘The Making of Delevan House’. We have many plans to execute, so it’s a great space to follow. You are cordially invited! We expect you to put in some effort—get tight-lacing, break out the good cloak, your best finery, and you better buy an extravagant hat while you’re at it. It’ll be one hell of a ride! You will want to be watching for that pre-order date as soon as we announce it. In the meantime, come enjoy the brazen tease and seduction.

Well, it’s been tumultuous and stable on the homestead with no middle ground— a seesaw over starving shark-infested waters more than a rollercoaster. The pendulum never stops. My kids and I have been struggling with fresh ongoing health issues since the start of the year when we contracted that virus. It then came in for a second hit in July, which haven’t recovered from. Between chronic coughs requiring prescription medications, chronic fatigue and opportunistic germs that keep jumping on board because of compromised immune systems, it’s been a royal shitshow. With medical support services (the NHS) being abysmal. My family (I) also suffered another pregnancy loss. During the second bout of that virus, my baby’s heart stopped beating, and I gave birth four weeks later. We were (are) devastated.

Grief so intimate is a profound journey we carry with us throughout our time on the rock. Lives that were given a second chance coincided with the loss of my last baby, Averey. My family adopted a small flock of ex-commercial layers (Hens) from The British Hen Welfare Trust. I have shared little updates on their settling-in and shenanigans on social media. The ladies (our little Queens, as we call them. On account of naming them after Drag Queens: Jinkx Monsoon, Bimini bon boulash, Raja and Ginger Minj) are so very full of stories and have settled in as though they’ve always been part of the family. They are part of the clan. Some things are meant to be, and these Queens were never meant for slaughter.

Something about coming from 2021 into 2022 held promise and a thirst for change. More than a thirst, it was a drouth of dry agony. So many I know felt it—a need for rewiring, redirection, reinvention, or simply getting back on track. The year hasn’t quite lived up to the promise. Instead, it’s been more like treading water. Trying to stay afloat, and more, fighting to survive. I guess that’s life for the most part. An ongoing battle, with Jack-in-the-box obstacles springing forth at any given moment. Damn clowns. Tomorrow will be better.

The veil is thinning as the gears continue to cycle. There’s much reflection as we dare to lift the veil and step through the shadows, opening locked doors to visit with ghosts. This season welcomes the shadows, where the light and dark dance. It’s almost Samhain. Listen… whose voice can you hear calling from the ether?

Sweep the circle, burn the candles, lay out the feast, and set out coveted photographs and letters from the dead. They’ll be here soon. )O(

The Making of Delevan House #7

The first day of October leaves us speechless, as it’s the official entrance to everything Autumn, our favorite time of the year. No words adequately…

The Making of Delevan House #7


The thing about finding a partner to share the intricate and often messy process of life and or creation with is that there has to be a level of mutuality that bends and blends with something that could be conflicting but ultimately becomes complimentary to the other’s process. We come together to share and intertwine ideas to make new colours in life and in art. Colours that would never be without the other. The coalition becomes a new entity separate from the singular. And it thrums to its own drum, which exists inside each of us. Sending electrical impulses of ideas that invade our dreams as we (attempt to) rest and seize our minds at the most unexpected moments. We have much work to do, and the muse grows each day.

I’ve always been fiercely private when I’m ‘creating’. Yes, I was that child in nursery who would hunch quietly behind the easel with one arm hiding my recycled, crunchy foolscap paper. I didn’t want or be copied, ridiculed or questioned. What if they saw something through paint strokes that I don’t want to share? What if someone took a piece I wasn’t ready or willing to give up?

I’m not original. We’re all just unconscious copies, in a way. I know many of us have that feeling I had back then and carry it somewhat into adulthood, especially if we continue on or rediscover a creative path—a fear of being unpicked and someone else discovering something or disappointment of there being nothing. Exposure or emptiness?

With my BFH sister, Ruthann Jagge, I have found that I’m no longer anxious and scared of either of these things. I share my creative process with her as if we cohabit the same space. (I’m not embarrassed by the mess I make as we build.) Because of this, we are creatively bound for as long as that mutual muse whispers and screams—and oh, the muse certainly does that! Sometimes I can’t get the words down fast enough. Honestly, I never thought I could do that with anyone. It’s an intimacy that supersedes the distance—the sharing of minds, passions, drives, triggers, ideas, and art!

It’s still new, and it’s all so exciting! For updates on our first release and those that follow, tune in to Brazen Folk Horror.

Peace & Love—Natasha )O(

Delevan House, Ruthann Jagge & Natasha Sinclair