Love, Peace and All of That

The world is full of pain, ills and wrongs, and I am far from naive. The suffering could consume me, the anger that swells deep in the gut, and I have been in desperate agony and rampant with rage from what I’ve experienced and witnessed. This world is full of sharp edges. It can be ruthless and cruel more often than not. But that cannot and shouldn’t make a home inside the soul. At least not for long. It has to be managed, processed and let the fuck go. We’re only here for a little while. It simmers down to choice. Today, what do you choose?

Lead with love.

I have no right to judge you.

You have no right to judge me.

We don’t need to understand to accept.

Lead with love, not hate.

Lead with an open mind, not a closed one.

Lead with peace, not war.

Lead with love always.

Author: Natasha Sinclair

Writer, Editor & Artist based in central Scotland.

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