eBook Sale


Thank you to everyone who has supported my work this year.

And especially to those who have never read me before and taken a bite of my brand of macabre, magic and mayhem. I hope you enjoyed what you’ve tasted.

With much more on the dark horizon, I am offering Clan Witch ebooks for just £1 each.

If you fancy getting your e-readers (or reading apps) stuffed by me, just PayPal £1 (per book) to natashasinclairauthor@gmail.com , along with your chosen title(s) and email address, and I will deliver.

Flash Sale

My collection Murmur: Collected Horror is price dropped to just 0.99! 

It can be picked up from Smashwords at that price between now and December 10th!

I enjoyed writing each of the stories in this book. Each piece is followed by a few words about how it came to be. If you pick it up, I hope it brings you some entertainment!

Thank! )o(